Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Decline of Small Business

Do you think that, small businesses in decline
 or doing well? Looking at some of the recent economic statistics it doesn’t look good. Companies like Cisco are laying off staff as well as seeing others restructure and downsize. When you see this happen to the large business entities, you realize that the small companies are in big trouble. Small web based companies such as those featured 
 businesses on this site,
 has found consumer purchases to be at a complete stand still. Why are people not shopping with or using the services provided by small business people.
Most people say things like, we are completely outsourced, or that it’s hard to compete with major corporations, like the huge multi national’s  who receive the lion share of all consumer based profits,  So what is the fate of small business? Will they eventually all be consumed be the bigger entities that surround them, or will people return to supporting, small companies in their communities and online?

Does big business support small business? This question may depend on who you know. However, their isn’t much evidence that community entities, are working with small
business leaders, to purchase items and services, which they can provide, at competitive prices. We currently feature vendors such as Jazzy City who provide custom designs on T-shirts, mugs, sweatshirts and etc which can be customized with the names of events, organizations, etc. These companies are powered by real people trying
  to become successful entrepreneurs in their communities. Too often, we opt for the rock bottom lowest prices we can find, not considering how the dollar is spent, or if it there’s recirculation throughout the community, before it is lost forever. Community sport clubs, churches and businesses everywhere can support our featured businesses, and other businesses such as these.

In this very recessive economy, we must find ways of supporting one another. It should not be said, as campaign slogans or feel good speeches. We need support on a grassroots level, that businesses can see and feel, on their bottom line. Small business was the cornerstone of business at one time, however that paradigm is changing. 
The future doesn’t looking promising, as the markets supporting small business continue to weaken,  Support small business today, and help them rebuild the stores, services, web sites, one business at a time until communities can rebuild and to sustain themselves now and into the future.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Small Business Today July 2012 Fundraising

Small Business Today, 2012 fundraising Campaign
 Small Business Today, Need’s Your Support!  
You can give by clicking on the *(Secure PayPal) Donation Button on this page. 

 We do not have sponsors, and rely on your support. Please give today, during our current 2012 fundraising effort. We ask that you support our:
 Featured businesses as well. Click images & links to your right.

It is our hope that this fundraising campaign will be very successful. Your support however small will be greatly appreciated. As you have seen in our blog, we are all about the small, people powered businesses that make a difference in our communities.                      
 When we All work together, we can each be successful at whatever we endeavor to accomplish. 

Thanks in Advance.   

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Did Trickle Down Economics Fail?

The aftermath of years of Tax incentives to the rich/ job creators has not provided the economic prosperity that the nation was looking for. The question is did anything trickle down? Many will say resoundingly No. Not even a nickel. Trillions spent, and no positive outcomes, leave many saying, Why?

 The thought was that by giving those tax incentives, write-off and loop holes to the well to do, would contribute to the economy; as they would be able to boost the local commerce of the nation, with the abundance of disposable income, at their discretion. The money was supposed to inspire job creation, as they invested in small shops and entrepreneurial endeavors, which created employment within our communities.

There was a major disconnect however, between those who had the capital and those who had the creative energy, trying to produce new businesses, products and services. The investments were not done locally, and the jobs were outsourced, according to national static’s. We are left wondering why? Are those who have the available resources not helping the small, people powered businesses trying to sustained themselves? As exampled by our featured businesses to the right of this blog. 
The support for our local business is not evidenced; whatsoever, as recorded by small businesses overall bottom lines. Those with an abundance of capital do not shop in our lower end retail establishments, and online businesses in large numbers. The pattern on the upside was that the rich is getting richer and on the low with the poor getting poorer. With their being so much talk about small business in our present political campaigns, why don’t we hear reports about a surge in support, for our web-based business communities locally?

We have a large business sector that has not, found a way to integrate the small business community into the wider economic avenues, that would provide the growth which is being sought after. The purpose for the investing of the people’s dollars is to see a return on investment. However, these dollars have not reached the low end of the economy. No, in many cases not even a trickle! There is a need for a new paradigm, as people are struggling to prosper in an environment of economic conservatism. The Small business community needs an upsurge. Individual’s trying to make a difference need your support.

These are real people who are trying to make it in a very weak economy. We ask for your support. Shop with our small businesses, they need your help. Click on the images to your right and start there, we need to return our focus on our small local business people. These individuals are the ones who become our leaders of tomorrow, they need your help today. Support small business. Let’s not just talk about it; these are real people with real families and lives. Let’s leave the politics in Washington and elsewhere, and Support our People Today!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Small Business Today! Give Your Support

Who are they? They are people like you. What do they want? Success and happiness. They work hard and try to put a meal on the table, for their families. They want to make enough money, so that their children are clothed, and have some choice in becoming successful in their chosen profession. They want to grow to become more resourceful, so that they can afford to hire others into their businesses.

We are Small business. Small business is in a very unstable position today. They need support. People are not supporting small business on a large scale nowadays. Small, web based online business owners are really struggling. They need the support and purchase power of those who can make a difference.

We don’t find people working together to find a way to be better givers. Small business is called the back bone of the economy. However, small business is dependant on the consumers in their communities. The Internet community, being world wide, there is more work to be done to reach out to its consumers. Small Business is at a disadvantage; competing against large multinational corporations.We need a fighting chance.                    

Small business cannot play the Ad’s game, and don’t receiving the corporate sponsorships, that keep their businesses competitive, and ever growing. I am calling on our best business leaders and corporate donors, to give back to the small business people. Shop by shop we can start to become more active consumers and to help those who need you!       

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Olympic Sized Challenges For Nations Small Businesses

Is it really true? We cannot 
even have the Olympic uniforms of this country made by it own citizens for the Olympics? Many are dismayed. After hearing about the story in its entirety it is not fair to lay the blame with the French designers who made them. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves. We seem to need these occasional jolts to the nation’s consciences. We never take the time to consider; do we support, our own local and community based designers? Sadly, the answer is often No. There are links to designers on the side of this blog, of home based designers who need your support.

Unfortunately they don’t do so well. Although there is plenty of production companies, video-producers, business owners and others who could use their custom designed shirts, and other products. The home grown designers of this nation are not doing well at all economically. Again I’m not including the nation’s conglomerates in this statement. I am speaking about the little guy/girl who rarely gets the support. However, it is from the very bottom, many times do we find our most talented designers, athletes, entertainers, and musicians.

Our dollars don’t circulate within our communities’ very long if at all before it is removed. It had to be heartbreaking, to hear reports that there was nobody who could be contacted, in our nation to make uniforms for the nation’s team. People still take pride in their creativity and their work, however we do not appreciate our own people and the work that they do. We must all be proactive. Demand that we use the designs such as we see on the sites I mentioned earlier, Jazzy City And Product Pros. Shop with one of our local online Avon Reps. Find a Small shop in your community that really need your help and be their biggest supporter. 
 You will be surprised at the results; even a little could mean a whole lot. We truly need the help of all, the big business leaders can be of great assistance to the small business leaders at this time. The big designers should support the little ones. They can give space on their racks to the wears of some smaller designers. The large superstores can stock some designs and show supports as well. If people had a will we can make the way. Small Business Today has a great challenge, as it seems that we don’t support our own. This is not merely a perception, but a reality that we have to change. Invite your community leaders, churches, sports teams and others to support our small business leaders, it was make a difference.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Recipe for Success: More People, Less Politics.

. While our political leaders are battling for voter confidence and swaying people into their political camps. People are finding less jobs and smaller windows of opportunity, for entrepreneurial success. Why can’t we find the right balance of flavors to satisfy the palate of most consumers? Small business start-ups such as Small Business Today, or other small web based sites find a very gargantuan challenge, in trying to compete with all the other big fishes, out there ready and willing to gobble up the smaller prey, which they encounter.

The people want and need more than one choice when looking for shops that carry the wears that they are shopping for. They want more than one outlet for news and information. We have a need for competition and free markets so that people can fairly compete and succeed, by putting in a days work. However, things have changed in that regard. Some voices are not heard, unless you have access. Today if you cannot lobby the right legislator or speak to the right CEO, your business concerns are usually seen as Dead on Arrival.

We have a lot of creative talent in our society today. The lack of opportunity is making the markets less competitive as they are not allowed to compete against those who have an insider’s position in the marketplace. Most chefs know that making a dish special takes a rich balance of flavors, some subtle and those that pack a punch. The insiders are content with business as usual. We need a more progressive outlook. If you don’t watch the pot and leave the kitchen, you often find that the dish you created can become very unappetizing in mere moments. We need to be attentive to the things in which we need for our survival.Small Business should be a priority!

 Small business opportunities are very important to people nowadays. You have to be able to get your hustle on and to feed your family. Regardless, if you are good at selling cars, making music, creating fine foods or entertaining the masses. Everybody needs the support of others to make their success possible. We at Small Business Today ask you to be the one to support our small business enterprises. We know that one person cannot do it all. However, with the help of all it can be done.

Become a part of our Team; Let us know about small business that need support send us a link under your comments. We want to support all Small Business one shop at a time, Website by website. Yes, I believe we can achieve our objectives if we work together. Support Small Business Today. We can make our communities a treasure if we work towards shared goals and support one another. Thanks! For your Support. Donate! and use our business featured website. *Click on Justice image & Links!
Small Business Today!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking The Debate; By Creating Jobs & Small Business

The question now seems to be whose winning? Is it President Obama or Gov. Romney?
The polls are even at about 47% apiece. The issues have been portrayed as Rich vs. Poor. The beginning of a class war. Business/corporations vs., the people.  The choices seem to divide many communities one against another. However, small business people seem to get hurt no matter what.

Today we need a unified effort made by all to support small business starts, local business entrepreneurs and local industry everywhere. It seems as if we are both too conservative to invest in small business leaders. And too liberal minded too focus our dollars where they are truly needed. This is not to hate on the big business partners who are doing well in this economy. But, in order to encourage the economic growth that is sought after, we need to direct more funding into the small people powered businesses that truly touch the masses of our population today.

 Small Business Today is such a start. We truly look to be a major contributor to our local economy. As with all such starts you have to begin somewhere. Sponsors are hard to get in many instances and we rely on the contributions that we received from our supporters. The frustration of small business everywhere is in competing for limited resources. In many countries they actually contribute to small business so that they can become strong and prosper.

It is for this reason that many jobs are outsourced due to small business being at a disadvantage due to no investment into our internal markets. The conventional wisdom seems to be to take it to the Cayman Islands and start your business from there. Small business could compete with resources to bolster their communications abilities, computers, networks, and software abilities. We have the capacity it was recently said. However our politic seem to prevent us from being a cohesive unit trying to develop processes that will lead to success for everyone.

 We ask our supporters to help us build a stronger economy at Small Business Today! Help us become a leading advocate for the small business person. We need you to support us and our business partner’s one business at a time. We are beginning from the ground up. Some are starting from the middle and others from the top. We ask you to support what we think is a groundbreaking effort. We need to encourage those small people powered web-based businesses that people had to turn to develop business where no jobs were available. They need your support. Start here and start now it will benefit all who care about the communities in which we live.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tax, Big Business, Job Creators, & The Little GUYS!

With a looming tax increase in the coming year, the President urged Congress to pass a bill that only affects those earning over $250,000. The President indicated that the return on the investment to the Big Business or Job creators, did not provide much of a return.  The current strategy is to encourage growth from the middle. Hopefully it will spark growth both down and up.

The Small Business person is left feeling under appreciated many times, as direct attention to the small business needs, are not realized at a community level. The need for more grant and loan programs are needed to energize some free enterprise zones in our communities, it would generate more community based commerce. There are plenty of young entrepreneurs waiting for the right incentives to encourage them to be more creative and to market the products and ideas that Big business is waiting for.

 Real growth will come from the bottom up and then we will be getting at the root of the problems. Sadly, the debate is always cast as Rich vs. Poor; the real issues and choices we are making with these investments are rarely discussed. There are so few community based, small business successes that they are often lost in the debate. The time to invest and support small business is now. Support our small web-based business people, small retail owners and struggling entrepreneurs. Your direct support often makes a difference. The choices are clear we need the support of All to assure the success we need in our communities.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Making The Small Business Community Stronger !

We want to assist in the building of strong communities. Small Business Today believes that each individual makes a difference. The thought was that large corporate business would support the small ones provide they had the resources to grow. Today we are told that many have available resources however, the current economic climate prevents reinvestment.

These are issues that many small businesses pay little attention too. The daily bread and butter issues of putting food on the table often dominate the thoughts of the small business entrepreneur. We need the help of our larger business partners to sponsor small business starters. There is a lack of overall support in the people powered industries that contribute to the overall economic structures of today’s market.

A case in point is the AvonRep. With jobs hard to find many are looking for business opportunities wherever they can find them. Many small online businesses become the choice for many unemployed people. The traffic and supports for these industries are not able to sustain families trying to survive these current economic times. We do not find much incentive being made to help these small businesses stay in business.

Small Business Today needs advertising dollars so that we can keep on going and growing. However, we know that it’s hard to compete against larger blogs, magazines, and news sites who receive the majority of all funding. We have to build on a community by community level. We need our corporate level partners to find way to utilize the small business startups.

These are real people who contribute directly into the economy. We want to highlight our small business leaders and support them! Together we can change lives, develop solutions and begin a course that builds local communities for the people who truly need the support of those who can make a difference. Continue to follow us as we will be developing, covering and commenting on the policies; actions and politics that shape the future of our people and Small Businesses Today!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Making The Jobs Grow from the Bottom Up!

With the job reports of June 2012, being less than desirable. People are becoming critical of the solutions being applied. The tax cuts from the Bush presidency, hasn’t brought in the results looked for, from assisting the job creators. We are in a serious dilemma trying to find adequate solutions to these employment shortages. We need to find more entrepreneurial solutions to address the economic disparities felt in our communities.

The President, Congress and private sector employer’s are all pointing fingers looking for more solutions to the economic stagnation. We need assistance from all quarters in order to address these concerns. Quick fixes, long-term solutions and immediate economic infusion measures are needed. There is a mandate being given, by people in need currently. More wide spread economic infusion, into local small business is needed.

Supporting local small business such as those we feature in our blog will put food on business owner’s tables and boost the local economies in our cities. It makes a difference, when you place an effort in supporting the individual entrepreneur, trying to make a living. This provides one of the most significant means of boosting the economy. These type of expenditures usually results in money being immediately recalculated into the economy, affecting many services and utilities in our market places.

 The ability of many of our citizens to obtain discretionary funds for more than domestic sustainability has been greatly diminished. The average person has not been able to even think about having extra money for recreational activities, on any meaningful scale. Support us at Small Business Today. We need your support in reaching more business leaders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalist, and fund managers.

What would it hurt to fund our local small business entrepreneurs? It may just help build a strong community of business partners that would make your investments very beneficial. Take the time to be a partner in our cause. Join us and support our local business partners and press the button and support Small Business Today. A small contribution by you will make a difference that can be felt by many. Keep the faith and join us in shaping a better environment for our small business leade

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Returns On An Investment: Small Business

Small Business Today! How does the economy work? Can it help me? Will I ever get ahead. People want answer and seem to get more confusion. Where are th jobs. This economy does not seem to be helping workers find needed employment. Small business cannot seem to find the support it need. Small Business Today, wants to bring greater awareness to the everyday struggle that the small business leaders are experiencing. This blog ask that we all find the time to share in this task. We need to invest in those who are trying to find their way around a difficult economy.

There is a need for greater resources to be shared so that business everywhere can feel as those thing will turn around. Finding a small shop, website, business start-up or news source to engage will develop greater awareness of them. We have made great investments in a top to bottom approach hoping that the well off will be able to develop greater business opportunities in our communities. We need to invest from the bottom up as well. Gining resources to the lowest end business start-up will in many instances place the needed resources in the hands of those who need them the most.We have not found many small business leaders who does not immediately place those resources right back into the economy.

We need a serious jolt to jump start an economy which is stagnate and non responsive. The solution to these problems need attention and a sense of urgency. Our leaders must address these problems by applying the needed resources which do more then merely patch up pending failures. Put Small Business back to work. Create the jobs that are needed. support the business which needs greatest support. We thank you for helping us get the word out.


Small Business Today! Needs your support. We are making it our cause to support the small business merchant. We advocate for the success of those trying to succeed in this time of recession. We propose the use of government’s resources to help small business. We need resources so that we can become competitive with other news and opinion based blogs which ask us all to make things better for the little guy/gal. We need the resources to assist in placing our small business leaders as a priority. One business at a time will give us movement. City by city and block by block, we can build thriving communities.

 We need your participation in our cause. This rebuilding process is needed to help the disenfranchised owners who see millions of dollars and jobs leave, without receiving any return on the investment the government is making. Why not some support for us. The investment is needed now most urgently. In order for business to grow we need some strong support up from. The support can be in dollars for advertisements, material resources, overhead expenses and much more. Many grants, loans, sponsors and donors are needed. We need our leaders to be in the business of adding to our success. We have lost our focus believing that we cannot cure our problems from within. Small Business Today needs you!

Stalemate in Washington

Why doesn’t Big Washington help Small Business? We hear the rhetoric many times. However, finding solutions to the problems are hard to find. We need government to move so that small business owners can succeed. The investments in local small business needs are very low on a grassroots level. Small business don’t have the types of budgets to compete with competitors who have large budgets which reach more people daily then small business can reach in a lifetime.

 It was refreshing to hear our leaders speak about making the playing field fairer for all. The question is will small business receive the type of investment that matters. We need support on a grassroots, community level. Supporting small endeavors shop by shop make a difference. Support our small online businesses. Help us at Small Business Today in our quest to open the door of development to small business, by send in your donation of support. 

Charity begins at home and that success will become a blessing to all that follow. The President stated, “It’s not our capacity, it’s our politics” very true. Let us practice the politics of inclusion. There is enough room so that we all can have a seat at the table. Let us be prepared to pass the bread baskets down the table, so that we can all share together.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Business As Usual?

Will Small Business survive the politics of 2012? Will small business receive the support it deserves? Blogs such as this find it hard to survive in such a competitive environments. With no advertisement budgets or corporate sponsor's it's hard to become seen amongst the crowd. The business of political leadership is suppose to be about giving all players a level playing field. Today The game is based on who do you know.

 Small Business Today is asking the big players to help the small ones. Politic's aside, small business and all others, have to eat at the end of the day. The loaf however, is unequally sliced for the small business owner. Who is placed at an disadvantage against large retail; and franchise owners, who have large advertisement budgets. We have to do more to support small people started, franchise and business start-ups. Who? being more grass roots, than your local Avon business

. One such Web based start-up is Avon Highbridge. We urge you to support the site by buying as much from this site as you would other local retailers.  The Small Business Owner deserves support across the board. People have no choice but to find new innovative ways to put food on the table. If we receive the right leadership ALL business should be supported and not just the chosen few. As goes one, so goes them all. Will all business be met with greater success?, or will we be met with business as usual?

Playing Politics VS. Political Play Making

People are tired of politics as usual. We bet on our party winning and hoping that it means something tangible for the members. Why can't we all get along? It was most famously said. We have a mentality that fails to consider the objective of politics. "Helping the Masses" Our objective at Small Business Today is to promote small business one story and suscess at a time. If our politics was as linear we would have greater suscess. Today our politics tend to people against one another instead of cheering for business being uplifted. 

Small Business Today Supports Avon Reps

Small Business Today supports local business. The Avon rep is always overlooked as small business owners. They even have websites that they need to promote. Take time to view this Avon web-site. Your support makes a difference in small business success. Please support our featured partners. the economy survives if you help the little guy/girl get ahead. We are counting on you. Invite your family and friends to support these businesses and our blog today. Thanks in advance!



Monday, July 2, 2012

President Obama and Gov. Romney Agree.

President Obama and Gov. Romney do agree on something’s. Although there are many differences between the candidates, they agree on one thing. Small Business Owners need your help. The 2012 election is very contentious and there has been a great divide in which direction the country should take. 

However, jobs and business development is on the top of everybody’s list. We can do well by supporting the little guy/girl. You can make a difference by patronizing a small business on a regular basis. We suggest business for you to patronize. Keep focused on the real points and help those who are trying to help themselves

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Sometimes the gift, can keep on giving. Yes it can be as simple as giving a gift of Avon. By shopping with local Avon representatives online, you can support families who are dealing with a brutal economic situation. They in turn can get back into the economy and support other business. Your dollars make a statement when you support local business START RIGHT HERE




The local ecomony need your help. Supporting one business can make a difference. A local  AVON REP needs the support of your business. You can make the difference. When it comes to bread and butter issues there is not alot of choices in this society for employment. JOBS ARE HARD TO FIND. We can show our support in many ways. Why not help by getting the word out! Many small business people need support. We are starting right here: SUPPORT A LOCAL BUSINESS REP




You can support local business by using their links to online shops it make a difference.