Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Did Trickle Down Economics Fail?

The aftermath of years of Tax incentives to the rich/ job creators has not provided the economic prosperity that the nation was looking for. The question is did anything trickle down? Many will say resoundingly No. Not even a nickel. Trillions spent, and no positive outcomes, leave many saying, Why?

 The thought was that by giving those tax incentives, write-off and loop holes to the well to do, would contribute to the economy; as they would be able to boost the local commerce of the nation, with the abundance of disposable income, at their discretion. The money was supposed to inspire job creation, as they invested in small shops and entrepreneurial endeavors, which created employment within our communities.

There was a major disconnect however, between those who had the capital and those who had the creative energy, trying to produce new businesses, products and services. The investments were not done locally, and the jobs were outsourced, according to national static’s. We are left wondering why? Are those who have the available resources not helping the small, people powered businesses trying to sustained themselves? As exampled by our featured businesses to the right of this blog. 
The support for our local business is not evidenced; whatsoever, as recorded by small businesses overall bottom lines. Those with an abundance of capital do not shop in our lower end retail establishments, and online businesses in large numbers. The pattern on the upside was that the rich is getting richer and on the low with the poor getting poorer. With their being so much talk about small business in our present political campaigns, why don’t we hear reports about a surge in support, for our web-based business communities locally?

We have a large business sector that has not, found a way to integrate the small business community into the wider economic avenues, that would provide the growth which is being sought after. The purpose for the investing of the people’s dollars is to see a return on investment. However, these dollars have not reached the low end of the economy. No, in many cases not even a trickle! There is a need for a new paradigm, as people are struggling to prosper in an environment of economic conservatism. The Small business community needs an upsurge. Individual’s trying to make a difference need your support.

These are real people who are trying to make it in a very weak economy. We ask for your support. Shop with our small businesses, they need your help. Click on the images to your right and start there, we need to return our focus on our small local business people. These individuals are the ones who become our leaders of tomorrow, they need your help today. Support small business. Let’s not just talk about it; these are real people with real families and lives. Let’s leave the politics in Washington and elsewhere, and Support our People Today!

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